The Man in the High Castle: Hexagram 64 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
A dull start to the final season
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode mainly focuses on introducing new characters and plotlines, and that's okay, but it doesn't do it particularly well. It hasn't made me interested in where it's all going to go. The main problem is that a lot of it feels purposeless. No interesting themes are conveyed, there's very little subtext throughout most of the scenes, and the new characters haven't got much of a thematic purpose. For example, what's the point of the Tagomi murder investigation plot and the new characters it introduces? What ideas is it trying to convey? It feels like it's just... there. With no real reason to exist, other than to set up some plot movements further down the line. And that isn't great writing.

As for John Smith's role, the conflict between him and his wife is pretty bland and uninteresting, because it just seems the most obvious thing for the writers to do. It's obvious this conflict will lead to Smith questioning his loyalties to the Reich. The way it's done it's downright predictable, and just not very engaging.

Juliana's scenes are alright but they're not terribly engaging. Instead of the meditation and vision scene where she sees Tagomi, we could've got an insight into what it's like to be in this alternate reality and the implications it has on her character.

In summary this is too plot-driven, not enough thought given by the writers to how to explore any themes and why they're even making the show. Therefore it just feels bare.
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