Blessed (2004)
Watchable, but not memorable
19 November 2019
This movie was not all that bad. Heather Graham (Sam) and James Purefoy (Craig) made a believable couple who had fairly nice chemistry between them. There were a few good lines in the film, especially between Sam and Craig.

Naturally, when there are films in a similar category, there will be similarities between them, so the comparisons between this film, Rosemary's Baby, and The Omen are fair. There are also traces of The Devil's Advocate (barren woman, workaholic husband, pulled out of obscurity into wealth) and any number of other cliche's about writers and horror being tossed together. The creepy kid shot at the end is also classic.

What I really liked about this movie was its sense of humor. It was always a bit tense--but never too intense--and moved along with a relaxed pace. It never took itself too seriously, as if we were always in on a joke about the doe-eyed Miss Graham of which the main characters were not aware. Her husband, although it's possible he might be In On It, was not nearly the cad and accomplice as Rosemary's husband in 1968. Guy definitely used the Devil to advance his career, while Craig simply seemed to be more inspired by their new living situation.

There was a lot not to like about this movie. It was rather too relaxed (okay, it was slow). There could have been a lot more tension involving Heather Graham's character. I never once felt she was in peril--not real peril, in any case. With the exception of the agent and the real estate agent, the supporting characters were one-dimensional. The ending, as others have said, was a mess. A better film-maker might have found an innovative way to work around the death of one of the major stars, but this one seemed to be willing to go the stereotypical creepy kid ending route. All in all, I'd watch it again, but I probably wouldn't buy the DVD.
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