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17 November 2019
"Night Train Murders" is known as a "Last House on the Left" rip-off, set mostly on rails. But it's more than that: it's also boring and pointless.

The pacing is hopelessly out of wack so that you barely pay attention for at least half way into the proceedings. Then the movie finally gives you the train rape/murder sequence, which is unpleasant but nowhere near graphic enough for those into these things, and then the revenge.

Rape/revenge was never my favourite exploitation sub-genre. The movies of this genre that are so offensive are really just bad: take "I Spit on Your Grave" for an example, where they couldn't even make the rape look realistic.

"Night Train Murders" isn't badly shot or directed; the filmmaker, Aldo Lado, made "Short Night of the Glass Dolls", which is a classic. This one is just hopelessly derivative and boring.
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