I don't understand this at all! I'm so confused
15 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this twice to make sense of it all and I'm still confused. Why does an 8 year old know how to cook. Load and put a safe off on a handgun? Who taught him that coz u don't just learn that on your own? Also he said his brother said papa bought that gun for Mum for safety, when did a three year old know how to talk like that? I think there's lies in this storie. The father was wiping away non tears and his body language stank. Then the boy says he's allowed to be around guns and also has a YouTube page experimenting with explosive??? What's going on here. I'd never let my son near anything like that ever after what happened. There's plenty more hobbies to take up!! His friend says he trusts him? Ok, wouldn't be me. What if another accident happened? Would his friend still be saying the same? I don't buy the rehearsed wording and catching I think the boy has been given at all. Seems very fishy to me.

The girl who tried to commit suicide was very happy to be alive? Girlfriend, you tried to kill yourself!

The guy with the dog that was burgled? What a fabricated story he told. If an ambulance arrived, it's there duty to save life even if the police were absent and why weren't they there first on scene? He said earlier it took the guy 40 mins to die and the police arrive 40 mins later. but then says the police arrived half an hour after he called and the guy dies at 40 mins so the police were there for 10mins watching the guy die? Why would you leave your wife with a gun over him in your yard and run to your neighbor? I would have sent my wife to the neighbor! I also think to have his dog put to sleep on a documentary film was sad. I would have done that the day after filming. I as a dog owner thought that he picked his own day to put his dog to sleep coz he was running after the light and could still walk. I don't think the dog was suffering or in great pain. I think he was selfish to do that on a documentary.
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