Two-Bit Waltz (2014)
Nepotism rules supreme
15 November 2019
Two bit waltz is what happen when a really good directors child gets to direct a movie because their daddy is a director. Clara Mamet is a cinematic train wreck. She has no acting ability. Unless you call doing a Ellen Page in Juno impression in every show and movie she is in a talent. Her writing skills have the intellectual depth of a kiddie pool at Six Flags. Her directing skills are on par with a 6 year old teaching a poodle to jump through a hoop. I am mad that Mamet was allowed the funds and resources to make this turd of a movie when other good directors struggle so hard but don't have the luck to be the offspring of a really good Director. This movie shows why Mamet has not directed anything since. Check out her fathers movies. But this is overwhelming proof as to why Nepotism should be banned in Hollywood. Or at least change the spelling of Nepotism to C-L-A-R-A M-A-M-E-T.
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