The Mistletoe Promise (2016 TV Movie)
Over and over
14 November 2019
I watch this movie over and over, year after year. If I see it listed to broadcast, I get excited.

The premise has been used a few times, but somehow this one feels a little different. It is a straightforward story. I've seen this movie enough I can't objectively say if there are any surprises, but I don't really think so, at least not big ones. That doesn't matter. This is a case where the actors are what makes it. I will say that I think the bit with the Reindeer report plays out a little uniquely.

I've seen Luke MacFarlane a few times now and those movies are usually good. He delivers a solid performance in this one. He and Jaime King definitely have chemistry. But watching Jaime King again for I don't know how many times, I am more impressed than ever. She is perfectly cast for this movie. Elise isn't an ice queen, but you might think so at first glance and King plays the dichotomy perfectly. She shows the hidden depth of feeling. She shows a wounded woman falling in love and trying not to hope that this time things will go right. It's a contract and Elise holds rigidly to it, yet doesn't.

I often say in reviews that what makes a good movie in this genre is having plenty of screens time for the leads to build their relationship and this movie does that generously.

Christmas romance movies are a guilty pleasure and this one fits my taste buds perfectly.

About the movie vs the book: I didn't realize there was a book until after I had seen the movie twice at least and written the review above. I saw a review mentioning the book, so I found it and read it. The movie and the book are as different as can be. If you change the names of the characters and the contract, it could be said that this movie is not really based on the book at all. The contract is similar, but so are the premises of so many Christmas movies. The contract in the book is not initiated in the same was as the movie. Other characters in the book are nothing like the ones in the movie. Elise is not as confident, but she is also scarred, probably more than the movie Elise. Situations are different and events are different. The book is also great. But It has a much more serious side to it and the climax is touching.
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