Green Eggs and Ham (2019–2022)
My Review for Green Eggs and Ham
11 November 2019
Why hello there, internet passerby, Ive got something on which to feast your eye. A review of a particular Netflix show, In the style of Suess, let's see how this goes. I will try my best to keep it short and sweet But informative, helpful and a literary treat. And so wiith a finite number of words to cram, Lets talk about Netflix's Green Eggs and Ham.

First off the animation, the easiest to cover, As this show blends motion and color like no other. Every frame a drawing paying homage to Suess' art, While modernizing his style without losing the heart.

Now to the cast, and what can I say? The ensemble gathered here has blown me away. From Jeffery Wright's cop loke grumble throughout, To guest star voices that carry a lot of clout! John Turturro is memorable as the Goat, and Ms. Keaton's Michelee helps keep the show afloat.

But none of these stand out like our too leading men, Adam Devine and Michael Douglass are convincing best friends. Douglass gives his Guy a sense of maturity, While still reflecting goodness and virtue and purity. But Adam Devine really knocks it out of the part, with his happiness, hopefulness, and plenty of snark. To say that these two impressed me greatly, Is an understatement more than anything said lately.

The characters are where this story shines, which each and every one given a memorable line. From the smallest cameo to a series main, The characters of this story do well to entertain. But again at the heart of the entire thing, Are these two best friends to be, and the nuance they bring. Guy is a good guy, a guy without blame, While Sam is a nice guy, and those are not the same. We learn more about them as the show goes on, They have much, much MUCH more depth than they let on. I wont spoil these for you passers by, But know that theres more to then than meets the eye.

The story of the series is just what you'd expect, Wacky, zany, silly, as good as it gets. But as you reach the latter half of the season, You'll wanna keep watching, you'll have good reason. This show has a heart of gold at its center, With lessons and advice as to a student from a mentor. Some truly heart wrenching moments coupled with joy, Watching this makes you feel like a youthful boy.

The jokes are all great, some spoken, some visual, Some tongue in cheek, and some meant to be literal. But they all land, and they all are appropriate For both the kids who watch and the adults who go along with it. Anyone can watch this show, best believe it, If that wasn't the case, it wouldn't have been greenlit.

I believe I've gone over all my main points, But before I go I have for you one last joint. The books that spawned this show and many others, Were great because they were page turners from cover to cover. Not complex, not deep but very simplistic, With a heart and soul and an eye for the artistic. They were filled to the brim with color and joy, To appeal to any man, woman, girl or boy. Thus they've been passed down generation to generation, Those books have graced the hands of children in every nation. To bring that kind of childlike wonder, To a screen is a task worth taking under. So I give my props to all involved, including Ellen Degeneres, the producer above all. The cast and crew did a phenomenal job Of adapting and respecting Dr. Suess who started it all. And for recreating the love Dr Suess put in back then, In my book Green Eggs and Ham is a 10/10!
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