Ragini MMS (2011)
Plagiarized, Misogynistic Snoozefest
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, this movie is the product (or should I say blatant plagiarism) of Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project, and Gerald's Game. Few ideas in this film are anything close to original.

Then we have the serious problems of misogyny, sexual and physical abuse, and subjugation. All of these anti-woman, patriarchal atrocities are committed by the male lead charcter, Uday, who treats his girlfriend, Ragini, as if she were his personal slave. When she is horny and wants to have sex, he shuts her down by pushing her off of him wherupon she flops violently onto the floor. Yet, when the roles are reversed shortly thereafter, Ragini says no multiple times and Uday flatly ignores her and overpowers her with his physical strength and size. I strongly believe that a rape scene would have followed had the director not thought to put in a ghostly presence indicator at this point. In fact, there is at least one rape joke in the script when Pia handcuffs Vishal to the bedpost and does a sexy dance for him and she says, "I'm going to rape you, baby." Perhaps the director thought this would fly since the line is delivered by a woman?

Uday is an extremely unlikable prick from the moment he comes on screen until the epilogue. The audience is supposed to hate him. He pressures Ragini to do his bidding, whines and begs to get his way, acts like an entitled and selfish "jerk" most of the time, and alienates everyone around him. In fact, Ragini calls Uday a jerk to his face at least twice and one of those times, he slaps her in the face twice and tells her to shut up and be quiet. It was so satisfying watching Uday be possessed and compelled to stab himself in the neck with that metal bell/drum/clacker thing I don't know the name of.

There is little redeemable about this film except Ragini's salvation from Uday's clutches. The myriad stale tropes and endless repetition of the same lines and motifs, especially the ghost's dialogue, bored me to tears and I actually fell asleep halfway through, then went back and watched what I had missed.

Do not waste your time on this steaming pile of landfill fodder.
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