DuckTales: The Big Flub (1989)
Season 3, Episode 9
Not too big a flub
1 November 2019
Although 'Ducktales' is one of my personal favourites, that is not to say that every episode is great and the show in overall quality is consistent. It is a case of the earlier episodes being better than the later ones, in the first season especially there were a lot of classics but when Bubba and Fenton/Gizmoduck were introduced the show became somewhat more mixed. If asked which character of those two are better, my answer would be the latter, more compelling personality, feels more of a lead and the writing tends to be better.

"The Big Flub" features Fenton in a prominent role, and although the episode is no great shakes from personal opinion my quite decent overall opinion on Fenton/Gizmoduck hasn't changed. There are worse 'Ducktales' episodes, "Bubba's Big Brainstorm" was a big disappointment as far as the previous episodes go, but "The Big Flub" is a long way from being one of the best. A lot of things are done things but to me the character writing has been better in other episodes and some of it is questionable here actually from personal opinion.

'Ducktales' animation was most of the time not a problem, with some exceptions. It is very vibrant, fluidly drawn and the attention to detail in the backgrounds is also notable. Can say nothing wrong about the music, the score is dynamic, beautifully orchestrated, never jarring with the action and full of energy. Just as animated shows of this kind should be. It is impossible to resist or forget the theme song, one of the catchiest in animation and ever.

Smartness and amusement is apparent in the writing and everything with the commercials are very funny and clever. "The Big Flub" starts off well, it was an interesting concept that the episode had and it has a lot of fun with it to begin with. The characters are characterised well, with the one questionable instance being the rather out of character moment (considering the name and his usual miserly personality) where Scrooge gives away a percentage of the pep profits and the episode doesn't really provide a reason for that. Fenton is put to good use without being too over-dominant. All the voice acting is fine.

However, despite a good start "The Big Flub" runs out of steam. The concept becomes less interesting and inspired, the pace slackens, the imagination decreases and the humour is less funny and not as much.

Actually thought it got rather silly and strange, and the big loose end regarding the pep's floating effect was not easy to ignore when it played a major part in the story. The lack of reaction requires some suspension of disbelief, this is coming from somebody who is not trying to over-analyse or be snobbish, it is just my genuine thoughts.

In summation, decent but only just a little above average for me. 6/10
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