Mr. Robot: 404 Not Found (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
They're Listening... And So Was I To A Piece of True Art.
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have got to be honest, I did not expect the episode to turn out like this, but boy I am very happy it did! This episode of Mr Robot was a pure form of art, it kept me utterly engaged through its suspenseful scenes and mesmerising score. So powerful that I did have goosebumps during this episode! Episode 404 does not follow the usual suit of a Mr Robot episode, to put it simply, it was something I never knew I needed so much until it was presented to me. That is one of the best feelings a show could give you. After seeing Elliot's more sensitive side in the previous episode, that showed us a long awaited romantic side of Elliot that we had not seen for a while; I am happy to see Elliot once again showing that he is indeed human. Not the "robot" that he may portray at times, this was shown when getting Tyrell back on board after losing all hope, this is so Elliot could warn his sister Darlene of what is to possibly come. It again shows that Elliot does care at the right time of course, even if Darlene does not see it often. Then, we are shown a magnificent piece of visual art, Elliot face to face with Tyrell with the camera and lighting almost making them seem shadowlike. It reminds us as fans of all they went through with each other that most do not know about. They really have been through a war together to achieve something that is bigger than both of them. A scene that got me in the feels was at the end, which could be their final scene onscreen. This is Tyrell telling Elliot to "make sure" he takes "care of Whiterose". Elliot responds saying he Tyrell die, with Tyrell saying he's "just going for a walk". I felt that, a very moving scene to say the least with the soundtrack making it more emotional. It was a good transition to how they depicted Tyrell Wellick's "death", or his last moments before that. This was with his slow hobble wandering into the woods upon seeing a bright alluring light, but what was it... Then the show closes whilst fading to white to mournful background music, truly powerful once again, it triggers an array of emotions, and could indicate Tyrell's death... But, is Tyrell really dead?, I do hope not and Darlene somehow stumbles upon him. Or they bring him back from the dead (again!) a few episodes later. Ultimately, if Tyrell really is dead, Philip Price may be forced to remain as CEO of E Corp, thus Elliot losing his insider at E Corp. It seems to be working in Whiterose's favour, but could Elliot use this chaos to his advantage? I predict this show will be my show of the year once again, just as season 3 was. It's sad that this is the final season, but I am impressed at the direction the show is heading.
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