An infotaining if lite and touristy, family-friendly, travelogue adventure paid for by the cruse line companies
29 October 2019
Professional travel enthusiast Josh Garcia goes around the world on various cruisers visiting popular tourist-friendly coastal towns and cities (one per episode) for a day, meeting local guides and learning about the places' culture, interesting locations, adventurous activities and, of course, cuisine.

Before each visit, he finds someone on his ship (often an employee of the cruise line) who can tell him something about the place he is about to spend a day in and recommend some activities for him. At the end of the day, Josh returns to the ship and tells this person about his day of adventure, and then writes about it in his journal as end credits roll to use it later for the show's clip show episodes in which he picks three of his favorite adventures with a common theme.

The show is somewhat formulaic because of this, Josh's unusual combination of zen calmness and child-like enthusiasm comes off as benign pandering, the lite tone of the show makes it feel touristy, and his meetings with the people on board who give him ideas on what to do onshore are obviously staged. However, the show's target audience are families with children so it makes sense that everything looks fun, simple and a bit stagy in this long creative ad for the ocean cruise liners which sponsor the show.

If you can look pass these issues, Josh does make for a decent kid-friendly host, the show presents cultural information about the places he's visiting in a fun way (dictionary-esque journal entries which occasionally pop up at the bottom of the screen), and the show does offer some nice vistas to look at.

Basically, if you want to visit some nice locations around the world for 20 minutes, possibly learn something new if basic about them, and watch a guy taking his inner child on a simple if touristy adventure, you can do much worse than this.
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