An early Bruce Lee exploitation movie and not a good one
27 October 2019
Starting with the opening credits this movie seems to "borrow" some iconic scenes/sets and even the music from Bruce Lee's movies. It opens with a group of big shots at a meeting. They are discussing a man named "Tong Lung" who seems to be missing so they send their man to Hong Kong to find him.

Tong Lung was another martial artist/actor who seemed to come from nowhere to star in a handful of martial arts movies during the 1970s and then disappeared back to nowhere. I have not found any information about him other than his screen credits. I first reviewed him in 1972 "The Ferocious Brothers" which may have been his first movie. The 1972 date is questionable. I have almost all his movies. So far I have reviewed his performances from "competent" to "immediately forgettable". He does have the martial arts skills but all the choreography I have seen so far does not even try to be better than mediocre.

My copy is a digital file that plays on a HDTV as 4:3 video. The source is obviously an old VHS tape, probably a copy of a copy. The VHS source seems to be the most beat up and worn out film copy. Despite the poor condition I have actually watched worse. It is English dubbed. The movie seems to have been released in at least four other countries under various titles.

Tong Lung copies all of Bruce Lee's moves, expressions, fight sequences, and settings in this movie. How do you rate such a performance? Should he get credit for doing a good impersonation? Should he be criticized for doing a poor impersonation? Should he be sent to a special place in Hell for as much as daring to impersonate the great Bruce Lee? I don't want to get involved in this at all. This is just a below average movie for the year and genre. I do not recommend it. I watched it once, wrote my review, and I cannot imagine I will ever watch it again.
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