Nine Meals from Chaos (2018 Video)
Awful. Very Disappointed.
27 October 2019
As someone who helped fund a few of Mr. Noels movies through indiegogo (including this one), I can say this was money completely wasted.

Ivan Noel is extremely talented; writing, directing, casting, composing, you name it. His movies have been top notch, and coming off one of his best, La Tutora (The Tutor), I expected to be treated to another amazing feature.

What I got is a bunch of children wandering around for an hour in a half with no real story-line and a narrator that continually preaches at me about how awful and destructive mankind is.

The camera work is super shaky (found footage/documentary style) which is off-putting. Apparently this is supposed to be a fake documentary, as at the end we see a horribly acted interview with the fake documentarian.

The scenery is tremendous. Absolutely gorgeous. And some great camera shots, unfortunately not enough or used an any meaningful manner. What I wish Noel could have done with his locations.

If this was your introduction to Ivan Noel you would think he were an amateur and might pass on his other work.

Pass on this, HARD pass on this, but DO see his other work. His best in my opinion Brecha, In Your Absence, and my favorite, his version of Turn of the Screw called La Tutora. Of course They Returned, Children of the Night, and Primary! were also excellent. I look forward to seeing Rejected and Lamb of God.

I have never written a bad review or given a a one star to my knowledge but this gets it. I hope Mr. Noel understands. He is one of those directors you can reliably see or buy everything they make as you KNOW it will be great. Its a shame this film is now in his repertoire.
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