Malibu Shark Attack (2008 TV Movie)
British Columbia Shark Attack
26 October 2019
If I were the Malibu Tourist Board I'd seriously contemplate suing Sci Fi Channel - LA has its problems, but Malibu is portrayed here as a dismal, grey, litter strewn stretch of abandoned coastline with acres of brown - green seaweed. Killer sharks aside, based on this viewing, Malibu is not the place I'd comtemplate taking a holiday.

I won't dwell on the humourless, lunatic storyline, the substandard SFX, or wooden acting; seriously, Peta Wilson (the only competent actor) had a long fall from the days 'La Femme Nikita'...either that or she simply wasn't taking her career seriously anymore...or she needed the paycheck.

I watched Shark Attack once as I was in the mood for an undemanding bad movie; which is the mindset you'll need when you watch this...either that or find Piranha 3D!
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