Home Alone 3 (1997)
Cute, cute, really cute but goes a bit overboard with the booby traps
25 October 2019
At the airport in Chicago, four international thieves lose an important package and make plans to search a neighborhood where they believe it was delivered. Meanwhile, Alex (Alex D. Linz) is a darling youngest child who, after working for an older neighbor lady, doesn't get paid in money. Instead, she got a remote controlled car delivered to her by mistake and she gives this as payment. Bummer. At home, Alex feels itchy and goes to the bathroom, where, after seeing his reflection, starts screaming. His older brother and sister (Scarlett Johanssen) immediately begin razzing him for what they believe he is screaming about. But, no, its chicken pox. Since mother and father work, Alex will be alone at times, with the neighbor lady keeping an eye on him. This is just the moment the four thieves come into the area, pretending to dogwalk and jog in order to find the package. Inside, you see, is a valuable microchip they could sell for mucho bucks. All too soon, when Alex starts playing with the car, they know what house they want. Will Alex be able to do what Kevin McAlister did and foil the evil adult criminals? This cute third installment of the Home Alone movies has a darling child in Linz and some funny thieves. Watch out for Johanssen, future superstar, as a teen actress. The sets and costumes are great, too. The script, which is indeed from John Hughes, has some funny lines and ideas. But, in truth, how many times can we see the bumbling adults fall into a child's booby traps? Imaginative are the ideas, yes, but they go on and on to almost excess. Nevertheless, for a film with few known actors, this film is a good time for families who want an entertaining choice on movie night.
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