Home Movies (1979)
Waste of talent, and insult to the audience - should have remained a student film
24 October 2019
"Home Movies" is an anomaly for a director who had already made top-quality pictures like "Carrie" and "Phantom of the Paradise." Stylistically, it's reminiscent of his earlier "Greetings" and "Hi Mom," except that those movies are brilliant social commentary, but this movie falls flat, with just a few good laughs at the end.

De Palma could blame his student crew, but De Palma takes credit for the story and the directing, which are clearly the weakest elements of the movie (along with the acting and lighting). The credits say it was shot on a Panavision camera - what a waste!

Perhaps the movie's only pleasure is how incredibly young Kirk Douglas looks - I kept double-checking the credits to see that it was really Kirk and not Michael. But unfortunately, his story element - the "wrap-around" - is by far the worst part of the story.

Also, the "Artiflx" DVD version of "Home Movies" looks like a home movie - blurry, dark, with video noise and ringing. The "official" version is hard-to-get and expensive. Save yourself the trouble and don't get either!

I gave this movie three stars on the prodigy of its actors and director, but without that context, this would be a one-star movie - at best!
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