The Unlisted (2019)
well meaning, but totally under-achieving kid's show
23 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It really is a rather lousy show. Written for much younger actors, KIDS, but acted but by young adults The siblings should be 12-but a fully developed 17/18 year old are playing them. It looks and sounds ridiculous, when the doctor sister tells them:: "You are in a difficult age now, your voice breaks, your body changes, you're are confused about many things."..and there are sitting two strapping , well developed guys whith shaven chins and hairy legs. the serious is slow moving, repetetive and ometime wuite boring. The over the top grandmother (?) seems to be running the show -aand the villiain is the headmistres of the school acting likke a mixture of Frankenstein's Bride and Ilse Koch. After two periods I fled the scene.
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