Solid B documentary style film
20 October 2019
THE KILLER THAT STALKED NEW YORK is a documentary with an interesting tale, action, and a trove of information that remains useful to-date.

Evelyn Keyes plays a woman who, head over heels in love with hubby and criminal Korvin, goes to Cuba to pick up diamonds that Korvin would then sell on the black market. Problem is, she also picks up smallpox during her visit to Havana, and she is now spreading the disease around NY. To compound matters, she finds out that he is actually two-timing with her sister, all the while unaware that she is the carrier of the deadly virus.

In a docu-style film, acting need not be of the highest caliber, and it is certainly not so here, but it is directed with honesty, intelligence, and verve, and I was riveted throughout, despite the occasional (minor) flaw.

It is also enlightening to compare the world of 1947 with today's. And how far we have come in terms of medical care, and yet how mankind still remains so vulnerable to plagues, particularly in a world where natural disasters are bound to become increasingly frequent, with all the attendant consequences.

PS - We have all now witnessed the destruction wrought by the Corona virus, and nature warns us every day that we are all damaging our planet beyond repair.
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