No sense kraa-ing over spilt milk.
20 October 2019
An interstellar villain named Lord Doom (Michael Guerin / voice of Jerry Lentz) unleashes a planet-destroyer for hire named Kraa on a hapless Planet Earth. But never fear: the young can-do team The Planet Patrol is on the case. One of their agents, an alien named Mogyar (voice of J.W. Perra) arrives on Earth, although he ends up in NJ when he really wanted to go to Naples. A flustered diner owner (Teal Marchande) and a tea-loving biker (R.L. McMurry) come to the desperate aliens' assistance.

Made by some of the same team that did "Zarkorr! The Invader", this is a shade better, with a more tolerable script and generally better acting. At least waiting for the inevitable scenes of destruction is not such a chore in this case. Of course, that still doesn't dispel the fact that this is Grade A cheese, probably of the most entertainment value to kids, who are usually less judgmental than adults.

The humour is pretty obvious - Mogyar speaks with a stereotypical flamboyant Italian accent - but it does elicit some chuckles. The special effects are agreeable, with an amusing design for Mogyar, who somewhat resembles a crustacean, and an equally fun design for the ferocious Kraa. The music score by Carl Dante is enjoyable, and pacing is generally not an issue - this silly B flick only runs an hour and 10 minutes.

The cast is fine; the most curiosity value here is in seeing the lovely Alison Lohman in what was her first on-screen appearance in a feature film. She plays Curtis, a member of this "Planet Patrol" who possesses psychic abilities that will naturally come into play eventually.

There is at least one major in-joke here concerning a major Hollywood monster movie from the same year; some creature feature fanatics may actually prefer this one over the other.

Six out of 10.
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