Review of Masks

Masks (2011)
A future classic of the giallo genre
17 October 2019
Note: 9.5 if I could rate it that This film hits every single mark of the giallo genre and gives a true homage to the genre. This film feels like if Argento was still around and created a new film. First the synopsis is what you would expect for a giallo it's nothing too crazy but as an analogy it does what Suspiria did for dance that this film does for theatre. The film follows an actress who is trying to become famous on stage and soon begins to fall into a cult like group. That's as deep as I'll go to avoid spoilers. I also want to mention what this film succeeds and fails at. First the atmosphere gives off a true 70s vibe and perfects the depth and feel of a classic giallo. Next this film has a beautiful tone that feels surreal, artsy and whimsical but still extremely dark all at the same time. The cinematography is also some of the best I've ever seen it's shot almost like a continuing music video, which is good in this case, and it also doesn't cut away or censor any of the violence portrayed. Next the gore is amazing, it's very effective and used wisely with nice pacing. I would also like to mention this is the best acting I've ever seen for a micro budget film, even though i don't speak German the emotions show through spectacularly. Finally the film leads in an unexpected way, no spoilers. The film does have a few things I don't like. First it has dutch angles more frequently than I would like, but it's barely noticeable due to how engrossing the film is. The only other thing is some character decisions don't make sense and there is a lack of character development outside of the lead, I get it's a horror film but being almost 2 hours long I was a bit surprised. I would recommend this for horror fans who go in with an open mind and don't have the film spoiled for them. I would also recommend it for hardcore giallo fans. Though for an average film viewer it might not be you're cup of tea and at times the film is a bit of an acquired taste. The other thing that a lot of people mention is that the film seems to be style over substance, but I would disagree and say there are underlying themes and I've read many different opinions on what this films message is, for some, if any. If you do decide to check it out it can be more than a bit difficult to track down in person since it got an extremely limited release in the U.S. at only 3000 copies, but amazon still has copies left at around 18 dollars each and they contain the blu ray, DVD, soundtrack and booklet all to accompany the film which is a steal at that price. Overall check this film out its well worth the time in my opinion.
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