Blackmail (1939)
"Chain Gang" knock-off, but with some good parts
16 October 2019
Imagine if Hollywood said to itself, "Let's make another version of I Am a Fugitive of a Chain Gang, but let's make it corny." You wouldn't want to see it unless the star was someone you really loved, would you? Well, Hollywood cast Edward G. Robinson, one of the most likable actors ever, to ensure you would go see it!

Eddie G always gives a good performance, so believe me, the script is at fault for the movie not being as great as its predecessor. Eddie G starts the movie as a wealthy, respected pillar of the community who owns a business that puts out oil-related fires. He has a wife, Ruth Hussey, and an adorable little boy, Bobs Watson. When a drifter comes to the house asking for a sandwich, everything changes.

The drifter is Gene Lockhart, in a very sleezy, slimy, villainous role. It's a lot of fun to see him in the part, especially since I'm used to seeing him as Bob Cratchit and Judge Harper at Christmastime. He's just as slimy as Eddie G is likable. It turns out Gene knows something about Eddie G's past, and he has the power to send him to prison. To find out any more, you'll have to rent the movie. Parts of it are good, like the prison scenes, which are ridiculously similar to Paul Muni's version, and the family scenes. Little Bobs Watson can cry at the drop of a hat, and he's never in a movie where he's not forced to do it at least once. If he were my little boy, I'd spoil him rotten!
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