"You have no idea how far I can go"
16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A giallo set in Ireland is novel at least and Dublin and the surrounding area are beautifully filmed by Silvano Ippoliti and it has a fine music score by Stelvio Cipriani but plot wise it is baffling and the director hasn't been able to draw the story strands together satisfactorily. The revelation of the main killer and their motive is disappointing and at the end in an off hand way one of the murders is attributed to another killer anyway! Why does the killer attack the detective's family? Why are there always dramatic music chords when a pair of sun glasses is shown? Why do both killers use acid? It's all rather confusing.

The acting seems OK but it's hard to evaluate when you watch a dubbed version. Luigi Pistilli just didn't seem right with an Irish accent. But it does have Anton Diffring who is always worth watching. He livened up many a mundane movie with his superior acting.

The film had potential but the iguana with the tongue of fire turned out to be a damp squib.
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