Worth some tedium
15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not perfect... it's delivers a large serving of contradictory statements and behaviors that force the viewer to just accept the fact that, hey, somebody screwed up with the script, nobody caught it during filming, and the poor actors pretty much just had to recite the lines they were being paid to, in spite of not being cohesive. The back-and-forth of our main girl seeing her host as great, then scary, then great, then scary, then great, then scary, then great, then scary... well, maybe this was intentional on the writer's part, but it didn't really work on film... it made me just sort of want to do some rubber-chicken face-slaps on the main character, and tell her that she needs to pay a lot more attention to all of the evidence---that she does indeed see!---that host-woman is loooo-hhhhhoooo-ney tunes. But, hey! The fact that I felt the desire to do the whole rubber-chicken thing shows that I DID "get into" the movie! Indeed, it was suspenseful... but almost monotonously suspenseful, if that's a thing, because one sort of spends the entire time being pretty sure that something really bad is juuuuuust about to happen. Okay, spoiler from hell: I liked the ending. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, especially since the modern, artistic thing is to always end with a dark reminder that things always end poorly. Not this one! I was glad to see the psycho end up getting carted off to the morgue, with the "victims" surviving. Cheesy, sure, but every now and then I just like to see a simple, clean, good-guys-win ending. It took some effort to get through... but as the final credits rolled, I found myself glad to have endured.
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