The Flash: Into the Void (2019)
Season 6, Episode 1
The Flash is off to a solid start!
15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, here we are folks, the Flash has just begun it's SIXTH season. If you've read my reviews for season 5, you'd know I was a big fan of it. I thought Cicada was almost executed perfectly and I LOVE the Reverse Flash stuff in that season. So, with that being said - how does the beginning of Season 6 fair?

Pretty well!

We have a new showrunner now with Eric Wallace and it's probably the best decision the show has made in years. Now again, I loved season 5 and I thought season 4 was decent but the show obviously had a lot of issues in terms of characters spinning their wheels and the show just kind of feeling stale. If we didn't have a change, I could've easily seen season 6 turning out poorly.

Already we know that season 6 is going to be different. There's going to be two villains spread out over both halves of the season. I did like Cicada, but I think it was obvious that the show was struggling with its villains taking over the whole 22-23 episode run (DeVoe certainly shows that). Bloodwork is the first villain for this season and he's set up remarkably well in this episode. Who's the second villain? Your guess is as good as mine but I hope it's someone great.

The first thing this episode does is waste absolutely no time. It dives directly into the plot and gives us an awesome set up with a Godspeed mystery that I won't touch on for too long simply because I have no idea where it's going.

The rest of the episode lent itself to a plot about a homemade scientist literally becoming a black hole which is just...the most insane thing this show has done in a while. I love it. It's super unconventional for the show and definitely makes season 6 feel different from the start as we're used to getting a one off villain to jumpstart the season.

Iris and Barry's dealing with Grief in this episode was very well done. It was great to see them both deal with Nora's death in different ways and I hope we get to see some of that stuff still creep up in the future of the season.

The stuff with Ramsey Rosso aka Bloodwork, our first big bad, was really good! It's a great feeling for the show to dive directly into its big bad. We got something similar in 5 but there's a different feeling here knowing that he'll be done by episode 8. I love his dynamic already and I think there are a lot of great things to come with Ramsey. Especially since he's going to have a shorter time on the show.

The last 15 minutes are amazing. Seriously. Barry running into the wormhole while Queen's Flash theme plays? Perfection.

And finally the Crisis teases made me want it to be December right NOW.

Overall, "Into the Void" is a solid opener to season 6 that balances the humor and heart of the show perfectly and lends itself to setting up so much in just 42 minutes that it never feels like it's wasting time. 8.6/10.
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