Review of Oddball

Oddball (I) (2015)
manufactured story
11 October 2019
In a small Australian town, thousands of penguins would nest on Middle Island every year. Then foxes discover the island and the colony of penguins gets devastated. There are only 20 left. In order to maintain their sanctuary status, they need at least 10. Their savior comes in the form of eccentric chicken farmer Swampy Marsh (Shane Jacobson) and his dog Oddball. After all, penguins are just chickens in tuxedos.

I love the simple dog saves penguins idea. The rest of the family drama and whale watching drama feels manufactured. The movie is manufacturing a villain and it's not good at it. I can live with the family drama if it's done a bit better. I do like the late mother being the origins story. Much of the story feels like a weaker 80's movie. I'm not opposed to making up a fictional story for this feel-good situation. I am opposed to doing it badly.
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