Just bad...
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start. The whole movie was, in summary, leading nowhere, at least in my opinion. In hindsight it was mainly about Tom Hanks being drunk over and over in Saudi Arabia (even though NOTHING was filmed there except a few outdoor scenes). And middle aged women who (with absolutely no chemistry between them) falling for him. I especially was disappointed that he went with the unattractive Indian actress (playing a Saudi woman in divorce) who (I must confess) reminded me of my grandma (yeah, I'm of Indian background) instead going with the cute lady from Denmark. The only amusing facts were, that I filmed at the location of the pool party, too, which is in Berlin, Germany, and even funnier, together with one of the camera men of this movie :-D

Overall, a very disappointing film from Hanks. I absolutely don't know why he did it, it can't be money - at least I hope so.
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