The Flash: Into the Void (2019)
Season 6, Episode 1
A Fresh start.
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've been very disappointed with the last 3 seasons of The Flash. I've been thinking of dropping it, but because he of Crisis I've opted to stick around for this season to see where it goes. I'm glad to say this was a good start. It's been a long time since I've been hopeful about this show. This premiere instantly fixes many of the problems with the last few seasons. Every character is given something to do, and they don't feel like they're just there for the sake of being there. Iris is actually doing stuff with the Central City Citizen, Cisco doesn't seem bored anymore, Killer Frost is actually getting developed. So far so good. They've also laid out a lot of interesting storylines already. Godspeed's clones? Thats a surprise, seems like his character isn't being wasted. Sendhil Ramamurthy as Bloodwork is already a MASSIVE improvement from Cicada last year at least in the acting department. Then we get a big surprise for Crisis On Infinite Earths from The Monitor, seemingly teasing a real sacrifice from Barry like in the comics (though I'm sure that won't stick). It just finally seems like they know what direction they're going in. This wasn't a great episode, or even good. I'd say as a whole it was a decent episode. I think there was too much overuse of humor, it felt a little forced at times. I'm also a but unsure on the whole deal with Chester. The science and physics on this show, and episode in particular were laughable. There's just a few things that felt off here and there, and the episode as a whole didn't have anything particularly great. However the episode just having a clear direction, everything just feeling a bit more cohesive, just better in general, Is a really great sign that the show is finally getting better. The Flash has has given me hope that we might finally be closer to Season 1 and 2 quality.
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