Cinderella (1994 Video)
A lazy version...
8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With Cinderella being a public domain fairytale, any animation studio could pull off their own version of Cinderella. Jetlag did some fairytale movies. This Cinderella is, like both Disney (1950 and 2015) and Rodger and Hammerstein's, is based off Charles Perrault. Cinderella has always been a hit and miss, but I still am entertained by some of the movies. Jetlag's though...not very much unfortunately.

I'm 23 years old, and I'm aware this is mostly meant for children, but something about this movie irritates me. One of the biggest problems in the movie are the characters. All of the characters are boring, annoying, or stupid. In addition, they almost lack personality, including Cinderella. I can appreciate Cinderella in the Disney version(s) because even though she is constantly pushed around and bullied by her step-family, she is confident and determined that someday her life will change. Jetlag Cinderella is just too boring and she doesn't do much to help us try to feel sorry for her. Despite her father only appearing like 3 times in the movie, the narrator says that her father is unaware of the way the family mistreats her. He is supposedly gone throughout the majority of the movie, so I'm not sure if he is unaware BECAUSE he is not there. It sounds almost as if he WAS there at some point but the narrator worded it confusingly. The Prince is probably the worst of them all. Disney's Prince didn't have much of a personality either, so he not off the hook (I would count Cinderella III: A Twist in Time but it probably wouldn't be fair since Jetlag doesn't have sequels). The Prince does talk more, but what he says is not always nice. He ignores a woman who is talking to him (who to be fair was not even a bad person), he rudely leaves her, and shouts at his parents that he will not marry someone he will love. I don't know of we're supposed to like Prince A** or not but he is an a**. At the ball, he pretty much just ignores all the women because they are not pretty enough for him pretty much (like the Disney version too...but that's the story). He barely speaks to Cinderella when he sees her and dance in literal circles making my eyes hurt...The rest of the story is pretty obvious so I won't explain it. Oh yea the Prince never asked her name...Oopsy!!!

And then there's not just the personality, but it's also the way the characters look. Disney ('50s) is kind of guilty for this too (well maybe it's not as bad as Jetlag) because basically they imply that ugly women (the stepsisters and stepmother) are wicked and evil, while beautiful people have pure hearts. That's not a good message for the kids. Looks does not define personality.

There are songs in the movie, but to honest I hated them. The only reason I remember is because they were rubbed in my face like how Mamma Mia rubbed its cheesy (yet catchy) songs in my face.

I always did find the whole "try shoe on women to find the woman I danced with at the ball", know, people share shoe sizes...except for that particular kingdom. It was never implied whether or not the Fairy Godmother's magic is responsible for Cinderella not easily being recognized at the ball (even though she CLEARLY LOOKED LIKE HER), so it kind of makes the Prince look like a moron...because you know, his face was centimeters from hers. But he somehow knew it was her when he heard her singing in her home BEFORE he actually saw her (sighs).

This is not a terrible little cartoon, but it's not really good either. If anything, it's a lazy version of Cinderella. I guess it's fine if you want to keep your children still for under an hour, but I wouldn't count on whatever message it's trying to send. I personally would just stick with the three Disney versions. They are not perfect, but I think they are better.
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