Not as bad as people are making it out to be
5 October 2019
So, this is not by any means a ground breaking piece of cinema. That being said I found it to be rather enjoyable. I put it on at 11:30 at night thinking it would be something to fall asleep to. Let's face it, most unknown films you find randomly scrolling through netflix usually are good for a snooze and that's about it. I ended up engrossed in the film and watched it all the way to the end feeling rather involved in the story. I see a lot of people complaining about how the characters made bad decisions. This is a horror film people, horror wouldn't exist if it weren't for people making bad decisions. If characters did the smart thing in any horror film it would be about 5 minutes long. Secondly the film's ending is quite easily understood ad long as you dont need your plots soon fed to you. Solid acting, good atmosphere and an amusing if not horribly original plot. You could definitely find worse things to watch.
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