Review of Pearson

Pearson (2019)
Jessica is awesome....everyone else is not
3 October 2019
Okay, so here's the deal.

This is a spinoff of the show Suits. That show was wicked good. It was quirky, light sometimes, funny sometimes, serious sometimes, and, with a few exceptions, was loaded with interesting characters from day one. not.

It is loaded with stereotypes. You've got the stereotypical corrupt politician having the affair. The stereotypical female lawyer with a chip on her shoulder cause she's a woman and has to prove herself every time. The stereotypical Hispanic woman with the stereotypical Hispanic family. The stereotypical black woman raising her children solo cause no man around, oh, with a stereotypical supportive but largely clueless grandmother.

What made Jessica so completely awesome was that she was suave, cool, and ALWAYS was in control of everything. She was fearless cause she had the inside track on every situation. And they even took that away from her.

This show could be good. But they need to kill the meaningless unending stereotypes and try and get Jessica back on her A-game.

Right now, this show aint gonna make it. it'll die as soon as the "suits" viewers realize that this is as good as it's gonna get.

Hopefully, if it gets a second season, they'll dump most the cast and retool it into the really awesome show this could have been.
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