My Concern
2 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good film. You should watch it.

Just don't take to heart the "lesson" the film is trying to convey. Remember, everyone who dies in this film is because one arrogant journalist thinks she's too special for reality to apply to her. She ignores what everyone tells her about the situation (including the locals on her side), and gets her whole team murdered or taken hostage. And then, because the politicians can't live with videos coming out of one of their female citizens getting tortured or murdered, a bunch of very brave men, some of the best the world has to offer, are sent in to save her. Every one of these deaths is on her head for being irresponsible and reckless, from the driver of her vehicle to the people in the village who give them shelter. Scores of people, all dead because of her. She is not a "brave journalist." She is the villain who sets everything in motion.

SPOILERS: Think about it. She has multiple people in the beginning giving her good advice, from the girl she interviews to her guide Ahmed. They tell her there's nothing she can do about what's going to happen, and that if she tries to intervene she will only put more people in danger. And they are 100% correct. She does not save the girl, she gets her driver murdered, and herself and Ahmed taken hostage. Then, to save her, 6 good men go through hell and 4 of them die. All because of her. And remember her brilliant idea to ask for shelter in that village? Scores of villagers are slaughtered because she went in there without warning them there's a Taliban militia hunting her. That was not just stupid, it was actively evil.

This is a good film with a lot of good, fairly realistic action, great writing, pacing, tension, suspense, etc. They're telling a good tale. Just don't let their little nonsense blurb at the end blind you to reality. I'm not condemning all war journalists, but the one in this film is no hero, she's the villain.
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