The illusion factory is back
1 October 2019
It's been just a few months since we've witnessed the final episode of the Marvel saga that went on for ten years. A convergence point of such grandeur might suggest that from now on the Marvel world would follow a different path, giving us something truly new.

However, the story of Spider-Man: Far from Home feels like an inverted mirror allusion to what the film itself tries to do with the established universe: selling us a bunch of illusions we'd be eager to believe in simply because we wanna be fooled.

With the Infinity Saga, we came to believe that all that superhero sci-fi extravaganza happening on screen actually has a deeper meaning, a layer for every major focus group, something most of us would not be ashamed to openly like. With that saga over, however, we're left with a bunch of secondary guys previously introduced mostly as filler, a few major characters past their prime, and a golden kid. Who hasn't been charmed by that cute Peter Parker boy, his politically correct sidekick and a pretty but intentionally awkward love interest!

And this is what Marvel is gonna sell us from now on. Cuteness, tolerable acting (nothing stellar, but nothing cringey too), and ok writing. Just like the posse Mysterio has gathered to prove his point, this set of traits seems to be just enough to keep the audience engaged, and the cash flow going in. Because nobody requires a groundbreaking story or insanely prominent characters anymore - now it's just enough to maintain the existing momentum without messing up.

Was this film a mess? Definitely not. Was it anything more than just a pretty image hollow within? I wouldn't say so. But as long as everyone's looking at the colorful objects flying around with a loud boom, the magician is free to take out as many rabbits out of his fake hat. We just don't care to go deeper anymore. And this carousel of generic storytelling will just keep on spinning, until either we're so dizzy we start puking this Marvel drivel back, or their projectors start falling off and the illusion breaks apart.

Unfortunately, none of the above is gonna happen any time soon. So, put the Cap helmet on and start saying "Hail Marvel" before someone finds your lack of faith disturbing.
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