Review of Demon Wind

Demon Wind (1990)
The wind that carries the stink of horrible characters ruins this film
1 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film was not super horrible as it had a rather good premise, nice ideas and rather good effects; however, it is all undercut by shoddy motivations, pointless character tropes and just flat out bad acting. It is a film, that I had never heard of which is surprising seeing as how I love watching horror films, but this one obviously flew under the radar. At its core is a bit of an Evil Dead rip off with a dash of Demons and Night of the Demons, but does do a few things different that keep it interesting, that is, until the crappy characters ruin any momentum the film tries to pick up.

The story has a farmhouse under assail back in like 1929 by horrifying forces. It claims the lives of most of the family with the exception of one, whose son wishes to return to the farmhouse to figure out what happened. He assembles a group of friends and they arrive to find the place in shambles, though, when the main character looks through the door he sees the inside of a house, even though it is only the frame when looked upon on the outside. Soon evil forces assail the group and they have to survive the night as the demons come for their souls!

Sounds like an interesting idea and I think the story has some good in it, with the exception of the characters. Why the main character feels compelled to even bother going to this place is a mystery as he gives the vague, "I need to find out who I am" answer. Okay, but why do you apparently need every friend you have and their girlfriends too as well as an ex of one of the girls who is just going to create tension with one of your other friends? None of these friends are detectives or anything, so why does he feel the need to drag so many of them to this farm? Then the acting at times is so bad and the reactions idiotic! A girl vanishes and is seemingly turned into a doll, the boyfriend promptly throws down and it explodes! The reaction, very nonchalant. We have a frame of a house, but you can see the inside as it was years ago! The reaction, I couldn't even tell if they even realized anything!

So, a movie with a good premise shot down by horrible characters, a stupid twist and a few lingering questions. Happens all too often in horror films, as I fear many suffer from the fact an ending is not thought up when creating the story until the end and it kind of gets thrown in at the last second. I find, you should create an ending first and work your story towards it rather than craft a good idea and figure out the ending later. Also, I am all for having plenty of victims to kill, but the reasoning behind the main character bringing so many friends to this excursion seems forced. He could have easily came alone with his girlfriend or maybe one other couple, but he apparently invites eight people not including himself or his girlfriend. You just need better reasoning for so many to get together, like in Night of the Demons where it is a party or the film Demons where it is a premier of a film. The story just does not work, though some of the ideas are sound; however, all that being said, it was an interesting watch.
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