After the Storm (2019 TV Movie)
It took a while before I decided to write something here about this movie
30 September 2019

It took about three months before deciding to write "here" about this. This isn't any spectacular review or anything close to it. This is just mainly about how I FEEL about the movie.

This movie is better than I expected it to be. It's based on MAROONED WITH A MAVERICK by Christine Rimmer, with some differences, but the movie made for UPTV tried to be true to the original.

I liked the chemistry between MADELINE LEON and BO YOKELY plus the dog who was like their "Cupid".

Willa was rejected by Collin years back, but the devastating storm brought them together...and may I repeat, the dog named Dancer.

The people around them noticed that there's a "vibe" between the two of them, but somehow, there was something stopping the two of them to be together, until after the storm.

The storm did bring them together, but Willa had a beau, but before you think that this is a simple triangle, think again. There's more to it than meets the eye.

Willa is a strong, steadfast woman of Faith, and only a man who could accept that...

The movie is predictable with a few surprises. I liked that the flashbacks were not confusing, and the acting didn't seem to be forced.

It surely wouldn't be a waste of your time.

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