Review of Robotboy

Robotboy (2005–2008)
A misguided project. I don't even feel there was potential to waste.
29 September 2019
I suppose this was meant to be an homage to those mecha cartoons but it has none of the pizzazz that made this things popular. The bland, nice-to-everybody human protagonist and it's, let's-learn-a-life-lesson tone would have been better for a show with an even younger demographic.

The obese best friend seems to be an attempt to add some balance but he just an obnoxious stereotype of the portly that makes me uncomfortable and doesn't care about other people's feelings. The blonde kids that owns robot boy has this infatuation with a popular girl named "Bambi" who is just so blatantly a bit of a C-word, but he is into her anyway. I know it was probably meant as a kind of character arc but I felt short changed in that department. She's pretty cute and you see a sort of adult version of her in her Mom who wears a two piece alongside her daughter in one episode if I recall. It startled me a bit at the time how revealing it was but that's not a sin.

Robot boy has little personality beyond just being kind of cute. He's like Pikachu but without the spark.

I will say this though: it was pretty badass when Robot Boy goes super Sayan in one of those so-long-the-villain-would-so-get-them-in-real-life morphs into a huge, imposing form of himself.

Not even the humour felt professional. It relies too much on bodily functions and times itself awkwardly, showing what it should have cut.

And of course the antagonists command no real fear at all. They are clownish and I feel sorry for them if anything.
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