A movie made by Tarantino for Tarantino
28 September 2019
I start by saying that I really like nearly every Tarantino movie, so much that I don't even check reviews before going to watch one of his. But this movie... is vastly inferior to all the others he ever made. Not a totally bad movie, but it didn't feel compelling either.

The biggest culprit is the storyline, which is somewhat bland. It follows the normal lives of several people living in Hollywood - well at least the kind of normal you can expect from actors and stuntmen - and at some point it's also touching and interesting, but overall doesn't goes anywhere. One particular character grows and change along the storyline, but everyone else stays just the same or worse is never seen again.

Tarantino also makes tons of reference to movie industry and self-references to his own movies - including Pussycat and various foot fetish - but I'm not really into this kind of things and I don't believe they can make a great movie when core aspects are lacking.

It's an ok movie, but not something I'd want to watch again. I watched Pulp Fiction at least four time, Kill Bill three, the Hateful Eight twice. But Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is just... meh.
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