Review of A World Away

A World Away (2019)
Very bad, surprisingly bad.
24 September 2019
No, not the movie. It is not that bad, but neither is it that good. What is "very bad, surprisingly bad" are the several glowing "10" reviews by people who only established their accounts recently to try to prop up this movie. Its IMDb rating is unrealistically high, for what it is.

This is a Mark Blanchard movie, written and directed by, and using his young children, two daughters and a son, as actors. In truth his kids are credible actors but the script is so juvenile most of the time that it comes across as a movie for very young kids. The "sci fi" aspect of it reminded me of 1950s "B" movies but with better color. The special effects are hokey.

It starts off with and ends with very silly scenes of aliens arguing with each other, and poking each other, looking like something out of Power Rangers. The middle is a flight to the Grand Canyon which goes off the radar as the small jet travels through a type of interdimensional effect where they end up in a different world that, incidentally, has two suns. Most of the kids are overly bratty and annoying, and if they are told to do something they do the exact opposite. There is an overarching message of "love being the only constant in life" but the message gets muddled by the overly silly script and silly action that pervades most of the movie.

In truth, I was somewhat entertained, some of the situations were interesting. But calling this "an award winning film" is very misleading, it is very juvenile in its approach and execution.

I watched it on Amazon streaming.
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