Abigail (I) (2019)
A poor execution on an otherwise interesting concept.
22 September 2019
Steampunk story should be an interesting concept, and steampunk movies should at the very least inspire such curiosity from their audiences.

"Abigail" does NOT inspire anything, other than writhing pain from cringe and utter confusion.

Extremely awkward conversation and acting, cheap and terrible CGIs, Cringy-as-hell romance, extremely bad world-building, and horrendous pacing, plot progression, and character development- these are but a few of the flaws in this utterly flawed movie.

My expectation was low when I went to the cinema to watch this movie; I had thought to myself that I was probably going to see some Harry Potter-like rated E movie, but in a Steampunk universe. But, instead of watching a not-so-good, but not-so-bad young adult movie, I was presented with another kind of bad movie.

It's like I was watching a terrible fanfiction story made into a movie, and compared to other terrible wish-fulfillment movies about children with super-powers and magic, "Abigail" can be counted among the bottom-scrapper of the movies in that category.

If anything, "Abigail" managed to achieve something for me. It managed to achieve a spot in my list of terrible decisions that I made.
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