Disgusting, Insulting, & Makes Top 5 Worst Cartoons
21 September 2019
So many issues come to my mind with this show that I can't believe the network green lit this. First off, you notice immediately it's disgusting & disturbing. Then if you can make it through all that, you'll realize it's nonsensical. (Like how can Ren get pregnant when he's a guy) Then the portrayal of each character is incorrect. (They can act like retards, sickos, or violent for no reason & it doesn't match their character) The graphics makes everything even more disturbing & worse than you can imagine. It's like the whole show was designed to offend you & want you to break your TV or beg for this monstrosity to end. Honestly it's the second worst cartoon with only The Nutshsck being worse! That's an achievement & not in a good way! 1/10
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