More drama than horror
21 September 2019
If you are wanting a gore-fest horrifying thriller this is not your movie. This is more of a drama. I think that is why it got so many bad reviews. People were hoping for Saw like gore but it is a more of a human character study that is sometimes touching.

After reading this movie's description on my cable guide I tuned in just out of curiosity and watched the end of the movie expecting to see some cheap gore-fest. . I was very pleasantly surprised to find it to be very interesting and exceedingly well acted. It isn't often someone comes up with a unique story that no one had thought of yet nowadays. The description of this movie does not do it justice. It is a story of a father's love for his child set in a backdrop of horror. Aidan Devine plays the father with true strength and heart with truly authentic emotion. The breakout performance though was Ava Preston. She was amazing. At times I was disturbed that such a young girl was sent through such extreme emotion. She is going to be someone to be watched. I loved her performance and hope this movie has a sequel. It is very rare I immediately watch a movie a second time but this movie was great and I liked it more the second time I saw it. .
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