Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
hand that man an oscar
20 September 2019
I waited up last night for David Tennant's episode and watched it the second it became online. AND. IT. WAS. WORTH. IT. the acting is so stuble and contained. Tennant barely speak in the first 25 minutes and doesn't move. he never fidget, taps his feet or display any symptom of being human in distress or otherwise. makes determining his guilt one hell of challenge. the detectives are more animated but still, every move is counted for. I immensely enjoyed rewinding just to watch the micro expressions. please, watch it if you wanna stay glued to the screen for 45 minutes. (I feel we are sympathizing with David Tennant's character because we are used to him as "the doctor". we need him to be innocent. stone faced doctor charged with raping and murdering his stepdaughter should have raised a lot more hate and suspicions than I felt)
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