Powerful Film with Stellar Performance by Donley
20 September 2019
If you're looking for an incredibly poignant film to watch, especially in the era of #MeToo, look no further than Silent and Forgotten. The part movie/part documentary takes a deep, personal dive into the lives of thirteen silent female film stars, all of whom are portrayed by the film's lead, Jacquie Donley.

Let's just say it... There aren't many actors who have the balls or the talent to play thirteen different characters in a single film. In this instant cinema classic, Donley proves she's one of an elite few who can pull off the impossible. Her beautiful interpretation of each character creates a window into their hearts and minds. You get to know them-each of them. And, by the end, you've laughed with them, cried with them, and screamed for them.

What makes this cinema gem even more matchless is the fact that it uses the silent film stars' own words to tell their stories. Meanwhile, the set/scenery is minimalistic. In a period when CGI and superhero cars, gadgets and gizmos are all the rage, this film uses words, lighting and a talented cast, led by Donley, to tell its tale. And it works.

Highly recommend to all. 10 stars!
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