Not one mention that US gun homicide rate has HALVED in the past 25 years
18 September 2019
1) the statement that us gun homicide is higher than a generation ago is a flat out lie. The FBI and CDC statistics show gun homicide is under half the rate of 25 years ago. I realize that the makers of this film are associated with the gun control lobby but to invert the core metric is bizarre.

2) the data clearly show that over 90% (93% for example in Baltimore) of gun violence is criminal-on-criminal. Almost all people with extensive criminal records shooting other people who also have extensive criminal records. If you are not a criminal, you are SAFER in the US than Australia or the EU average.

3) another poster mentioned Australia and one mentioned Canada. I doubt they are from there, or if so that they own guns, there because they are wrong about the laws in those two countries. My home state of New Hampshire has very similar age, income, race, education level demographics to Australia; New Hampshire has virtually no gun control -- and it has a lower murder rate than Canada or Australia.

As far as Canada you get NO mental health "evaluation" whatsoever to buy and own a Mini-14 semi auto rifle -- which is the gun used in the largest shooting of students ever (Utoya Norway). It is not "restricted." Restricted is a specific list and the mini-14 semi auto rifle is not on it in Canada.

4) One guy (from Australia) says the US right to bear arms is only "Organized and Regulated Militia". Where is the word "organized" even in the Second Amendment? (Answer: nowhere) Fact: The militia is everyone. Also "well regulated" never once was used by the founders to mean government regulations. Even people who don't like the Second amendment acknowledge that. Not once instance in hundreds of times around the passing of the bill of rights is the term is used to mean government regulation.

The idea the founders put the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights to allow governments to have a military force is ludicrous. Everywhere that the constitution says' "the people" (which it does in the Second Amendment) it means INDIVIDUALS and their individual rights. Not in one place was the term "the people" used to mean either state or federal government.

The National Academy of Sciences 2013 metatstudy looked at defensive gun used, of which there are between 500,000 to 3 million crimes stopped by gun owners PER YEAR. Even the lower estimated are many many more crimes prevented by gun owners than committed with guns.

This why similar demographic same region states with less gun laws and more guns have LESS murder and violence crime. Serious demographers would not compare Hawaii to Alaska or Rhode Island to Louisiana. that is specious since those states are disparate in scores of major demographic metrics. The two most similar states in demographics in the US are Virginia and Maryland. Virginia has way less gun control, 25 TIMES as many civilian gun carriers than Maryland, Yet it is Maryland has way more gun (and knife) murder per capita.
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