Patrick the Pug (I) (2018)
Not funny at all! Talking too much entire film! Bored to freaking death! Avoid at all cost!
16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a girl "Sarah" argue with her boyfriend and her grandmother die and leave her with a dog "Patrick" scene! As turnout, this film is about Sarah bonding with Patrick and the romance between she and two guys(Oliver and Ben)! Entire film full of boring and not laughable conversation! Even Sarah tripping, stepping dog poop and pooping outside the house scene feel so weird and not funny! Barely laughable scene is, Patrick accidentally flip over a bowl and soaking another dog! At the end, Sarah successfully finish a fun run that she participate to help an old man buy a scooter! At the very end, Sarah choose Ben and they navigate a boat at a lake! That's it! Completely wasting time to watch!
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