Not historically accurate
15 September 2019
If you want fictional and highly sensationalized drama only loosely based on historical events, and you can tolerate cheap CGI, bad acting, and clips that looked like they were borrowed from other treatments of the Titanic story, you might find this a tolerable way to pass a few hours if you're sick in bed and can't reach the remote to change the channel.

But the "facts" presented in this documentary are nowhere to be found in the primary source materials of the actual disaster, and the narrative and conclusions are speculative at best. There is a lot of "it could have happened like this" along with quite a few "this might be what happened" and "if this had happened, then that might also have happened" type of analysis here. But most of the supposedly new information that sinks the myths are invented, stretched, incorrect interpretations, and just patently wrong and easily disproved.

As for passengers declaring that the rockets were the wrong colors... does the woman who wrote the book for this script really expect us to believe the passengers knew more about the proper use of distress signals than the crew or the ship's owners did? Neither Capt Smith, nor any of the deck officers, nor Thomas Andrews, Bruce Ismay, the QMs in charge of firing the rockets would not have noticed "these aren't distress rockets..." Passengers would not get into lifeboats, did not believe the ship was sinking, and yet they knew more about distress rockets than the crew?

The people who made this "documentary" might think the crew was stupid, but the viewers aren't.

There are soooooo many things wrong with this documentary. And not just wrong, but demonstrably false. Conspiracy theorists will love this. As for anybody else... watch at your own risk. You've been warned.
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