Diving into style, while still swiming on the surface
13 September 2019
This film is a right start on a new path for Croatian cinema. While being a mix of tested forms that stem from Aristotle's Poetics, with a safe dive into a new Hollywood, "Tarantinoesque cinema" on digital. But both is not sufficient enough for this film to have it's own voice. And that I'm sorry for. But Svebor's arrival to film was recent and thus his style is yet to be shown. If he however sticks to a mix styles approach and never develops his own, he would be one of the directors. But seen in this film is a potential for more. The opening titles show that a type of poetic filmmaking could be his in the future. Until then this film is a fine work, but too poor on substance to change Croatian cinema as a whole. Nonetheless, a fine ground for the upcoming winds of change.
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