A Woman of Affairs
13 September 2019
There really was an art to silent film acting. It wasn't just all exaggerated facial expressions. That becomes clear when you see really good silent actors who know exactly how to put across the material.

Greta Garbo and John Gilbert are really, really good, and they sell the melodrama of "A Woman of Affairs" in a way that others couldn't. In the best of circumstances, films this old feel antiquated by today's standards, but "A Woman of Affairs" feels more sophisticated than other films of its type because of the subtle downplaying of Garbo and Gilbert. Garbo creates an actual woman responding to events that feel like they could actually happen to a real person rather than a stock character histrionically reacting to tear-jerking plot devices. She's fascinating to watch, conveying much with the lift of an eyebrow or a small hand gesture. Her performance here makes it clear why she had the stuff to make the transition to sound.

I have to give director Clarence Brown his due as well. There's a fluid, cinematic quality to this film that makes it feel far more mature than pretty much any of the early sound films coming out around the same time. For example, the film that won the Best Picture Oscar in the year of this film's release was "The Broadway Melody," a dreadful early sound film without a brain in its head. Compare that to the mature subject matter of "A Woman of Affairs" -- the homoerotic obsession one man has for another, for starters -- and you can see how much more daring late silents were than early talkies.

Bess Meredyth, credited in the opening titles with "continuity," received an Oscar nomination for Best Writing for her work on both this and another Clarence Brown film, 1929's "Wonder of Women," at the 1928-29 Oscars. This was during the time when the eligibility period for the Oscars was a wonky August 1 of one year through July 31 of the following year, and it wouldn't be until 1934 when the Academy changed the eligibility period to match the calendar year. This was also during that brief window of time when Oscar nominations could site work on multiple films, as Meredyth's writing nomination did.

Grade: A-
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