Review of Tex

Tex (1982)
Adult themes eliminated for Disney
10 September 2019
From the same woman who wrote The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton comes this story Tex concerning a pair of brothers Jim Metzler and Matt Dillon. They have a widower father Bill McKinney who was a rodeo clown and still follows the rodeo circuit. The two kids are on their own a lot and Metzler becomes the designated adult . Metzler is a star basketball player who wants to go to that Mecca of basketball Indiana state. Dillon is immature and does a lot of foolish pranks with his rich friend Emilio Estevez.

S.E. Hinton has a few adult themes in her work and note that this is a Disney production. Looking at the novel synopsis I see quite a few more adult themed situations have been eliminated to give Tex a PG rating.

Dillon was good and Tex was a step up in his career. But I think you'll be most impressed with Metzler who I thought was best in the film.

Tex is a great coming of age film that is timeless.
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