The final 16 minutes is worth the price of admission! Should be a bloody cult classic!
9 September 2019
This must be the most underrated horror/comedy film ever. The summary let's us know this is likely the first ever Christmas, slasher, cannibalism comedy/horror film. The action is relentless humor and much horror related to a run-of-the-mill Xmas cannibalism flick

I often view the final 16 minutes of the film. It is riveting/memorizing, unique in film annals and unforgettable.

Do you recall Monty Python's Black Knight fighting on even after he loses one limb and then another and another. That was one of the greatest comedy blood letting scenes ever put on film. The final 16 minutes of this film pays great homage to the black knight in ways you must see for yourself. The editing of the final scenes, with gore galore, is done in such a bloody tasteful manner that no one need turn from the scene despite the absolute carnage. Amazingly delightful. This entire film should be a cult classic for some of the most unique, crazy, FUN death battles ever filmed including the role of a 'punch bowel.'

If you don't 'get' this film be sure to at least view, you guessed it, the final 16 minutes. Odds are you will never forget it!
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