Gen: Lock (2018–2021)
Great show, Good cast, well defined and packed
8 September 2019
Beenb contemplating watching this for a while. Today I did and I LOVED it!

The first episode sets out the stall fairly well and you are given a well packed intro into what the series is about with the second episode bringing the rest of the main characters in. The action is well paced, visually pleasing and has nice anime overtones without being too over the top. All the main characters are likeable, well defined and easy to get to terms with within the first 2 30 min episodes.

It would have been nice to get some backstory as the the war of agreession which is clearling ongoing but hopefully that will come if we get a second series which I hope we do. It would also be helpful to know why the Union seem to have much better tech than the good guys and how the control of the world is made up. It would add some substance where something is missing to give us a feel for why the characters are fightiing and what they are fighting for.

Either way good start, great designs, nicly thought out characters who have their own kwirks and issues all of which are relateable and give them their own strengths. I hope we get a second (longer) season as there is a lot of promise here and puts other, more "high profile" cartoons from major studios and toy manufactures to shame (Transformers)
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